Thursday, August 12, 2010

Days 5-7: Gainesville Drivers

Ok - so I skipped a few days of the blog, but this next one deserves more than one day - bad, bad, bad drivers!!!

I know what you're all thinking - I live in Florida, there's a lot of older people here, so of course there are bad drivers. But it's not that at all. It's young drivers, middle-aged drivers, old drivers - they are all bad drivers!!!

The majority of people drive at least 5-10 miles BELOW the speed limit at all times. Why? I have no idea. But since the speed limit on most roads is 35-40 mph - that's pretty annoying. Also, most people stop on YELLOW!!! Hello people - yellow means proceed with caution, not come to a dead stop! Another thing: Dont' get in the right line hoping to make a right on red - won't happen in Gainesville. Either the person in that lane is going straight, or they've never heard of right on red.

I can get a serious case of road rage here.

Granted - I am from New Jersey where we are not known for our driving abilities, and I take that into consideration when criticizing other people's driving, but these people would all be road kill on the NJ Turnpike.

I just wish people would drive the speed limit - I don't think that's too much to ask.

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