Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 1: Gators

You can't drive around Gainesville for more than about 3 seconds before you see a sign for Gator-something. Gatorworld, Gator Burger, Gator Dry Cleaner, etc...I get it - the University of Florida mascot is the Gators. But does that mean everything must have Gator in its name? I grew up near Rutgers University - home of the Scarlet Knight. Sure, there are some stores and bars that have Scarlet or Knight in the name - but not ALL of them!

And it's not only around campus - it's everywhere!! Go to the mall and you are greeted by a huge statue of a gator. The food court has a sign talking about how hungry gators get. It's just too much.

People talk about being part of Gator Nation...they are proud to call themselves Gators. It's on their clothes and their cars and their houses. We get it - U of F's mascot is a gator.

Guess I"m just a gator hater

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