Sunday, August 15, 2010

Days 9-10: Nice People...

Ok - I know this will sound wierd, but people are way too nice and friendly around here. For example, when I'm in the store buying groceries or somethng at CVS or wherever, I don't want to have a whole conversartion with the person, I just want to pay for my items and leave.

I recently bought a birthday cake and the person said - oh who's birthday is it, how old are they, did you get them presents, etc...Seriously - does this person really care? It drives me nuts!

I know people are supposed to be nicer in the south, bit it's a little much sometimes.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 8: Rain, Rain Go Away!

I've never lived in a place where it rains so much! At least 3-4 times a week, and usually more, it rains. And not just a sprinkle - a pouring down rain with thunder and lightening. And the best part - it usually happens right when I need to go pick Drew up from! Gotta love it.

Every day, the forecast calls for a 50 percent chance of rain - it's crazy!

Maybe it will stop around that magical day in October when it becomes bearable to go outside again?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Days 5-7: Gainesville Drivers

Ok - so I skipped a few days of the blog, but this next one deserves more than one day - bad, bad, bad drivers!!!

I know what you're all thinking - I live in Florida, there's a lot of older people here, so of course there are bad drivers. But it's not that at all. It's young drivers, middle-aged drivers, old drivers - they are all bad drivers!!!

The majority of people drive at least 5-10 miles BELOW the speed limit at all times. Why? I have no idea. But since the speed limit on most roads is 35-40 mph - that's pretty annoying. Also, most people stop on YELLOW!!! Hello people - yellow means proceed with caution, not come to a dead stop! Another thing: Dont' get in the right line hoping to make a right on red - won't happen in Gainesville. Either the person in that lane is going straight, or they've never heard of right on red.

I can get a serious case of road rage here.

Granted - I am from New Jersey where we are not known for our driving abilities, and I take that into consideration when criticizing other people's driving, but these people would all be road kill on the NJ Turnpike.

I just wish people would drive the speed limit - I don't think that's too much to ask.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 4: "Wait until October..."

Since moving down here in the begining of June, all I hear from people is "Wait until October and you will be so happy you are here."

Apparently, on some magical day in October, the heat index drops below 103 and it becomes bearable to be outside again. I can't wait for that day to arrive. Since coming to Gainesville, I've spent about an hour and 10 minutes total outside - it's awful!! Every day is the same weather report - 92-98 degrees, heat index in the 100s and a 50 percent chance of thunderstorms. At least when it storms, the temperature drops below 90 for an hour or so - though the humidity is still bad enough to take your breath away.

So, for now, I'm waiting for October...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 3: Lizards

Ya know those little lizards you see in Florida when you're on vacation and you think they are so cute? Yeah, I thought that too and then I moved here, and they really aren't that cute.

So far, we've caught three of those things in our house - once at 11:30 p.m. in the bathroom - YUCK!!!

I don't really have much more to say about them except I really don't like them and wish they would stay out of my house!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 2: Orange and Blue

The University of Florida's colors are blue and orange - great, got it. That's fine - nice team colors.

BUT - is it really necessary for EVERYTHING in this town to be blue and orange? Forget the usual shirts, hats, etc...with team colors. People here paint their mailboxes, houses, cars, and orange. Our recycling bins are blue and orange! Signs for stores are blue and orange. Drew made a birdhouse at camp - guess what colors he had to paint it? Yup - blue and orange, which he informed us are Gator colors! son will not be turned into a Gator!!!

I'm all for school spirit. Hey, I wore red to the Univ. of Hartford basketball games I went to last year (Go Hawks!). But does everything really need to be blue and orange?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 1: Gators

You can't drive around Gainesville for more than about 3 seconds before you see a sign for Gator-something. Gatorworld, Gator Burger, Gator Dry Cleaner, etc...I get it - the University of Florida mascot is the Gators. But does that mean everything must have Gator in its name? I grew up near Rutgers University - home of the Scarlet Knight. Sure, there are some stores and bars that have Scarlet or Knight in the name - but not ALL of them!

And it's not only around campus - it's everywhere!! Go to the mall and you are greeted by a huge statue of a gator. The food court has a sign talking about how hungry gators get. It's just too much.

People talk about being part of Gator Nation...they are proud to call themselves Gators. It's on their clothes and their cars and their houses. We get it - U of F's mascot is a gator.

Guess I"m just a gator hater

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New City...New Blog

I recently moved from Connecticut down to Gainesville, Fla. To say it's been culture shock doesn't even begin to describe it.

Recently, my uncle and cousin came over for dinner and I was telling them how much I don't like it in Gainesville and my cousin Josh suggested I start a blog and spend a year coming up with one thing I hate about this place each day for 365 days.

Sounds sort of depressing, no? Well, maybe, but as a writer I'm much better at expressing myself in the written word than the spoken word. So, I view this blog more like therapy than anything else. It's a way to get all the bad feelings off my chest.

So, we'll see how it goes. Who knows, maybe I'll get to day 57 and have nothing left to say? So maybe this blog will show me I don't hate Gainesville as much as I think I do - or maybe not. Time will tell...

Ok - day one starts tomorrow!